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We are impacting lives in Orange County everyday with the generous support of donors.



 “Our experience at St. Mary’s was great. My son was very happy with his care, which is saying a lot considering he’s an RRT. He was thankful for the care he received.”

Give God The Credit

Donor and Foundation board member Rosanne Smith lives with faith, love and gratitude

Imagine sitting down with someone who is kind, enthusiastic and loving, with a twinkle of mischief in her eye — then you know what it’s like to spend time in the company of Rosanne Smith. The former kindergarten teacher exudes a joy for living. “I want you to know that fun is number one,” she laughs.

Retired after 41 years as an educator, Rosanne, with her late husband Joe, have been supporters of Providence St. Mary for more than three decades.

The best love you can imagine

Young Joe Smith was a farmer in New York and the first in his family to go to college when he left home at 17 to attend Syracuse University. Rosanne, who was also attending Syracuse, met Joe on a blind date. “I was in love with him from the first time I saw him,” remembers Rosanne. “We had the best love you can imagine.”

When Joe passed away in March, just short of their 60th wedding anniversary, Rosanne was left with a heart full of gratitude for their wonderful life together. “I had such a good life with Joe that, through the strength of God, I’m more grateful than sad. God has a new page for me to write.”

A legacy of service and giving

Both Joe and Rosanne have had a deep appreciation for Providence St. Mary since 1992 when they attended the first annual Gala. Over the years, they continued their support, becoming members of Presidents Cabinet, Executive Circle, Presidential Partners and finally the Hanley & Glee Heikes Legacy Society.

Several years ago, when Joe needed lifesaving heart surgery, they turned to Providence St. Mary. He received excellent care, and their fondness for the hospital grew. In 2018, Rosanne became a Foundation board member, where she still serves today.

Joe passed away on March 11, only a day before this year’s 30th Anniversary Gala, during which the Smith family was awarded the Hanley and Glee Heikes Legacy Award. Leaning on her faith in God, Rosanne attended and not only accepted the award but also performed volunteer duties at the event.

“We always wanted to help other people,” says Rosanne. “Both of us felt strongly about that. We were successful in life, and we give God all the credit. Everything we’ve done is to glorify God.”

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Lovingood Legacy

Lovingood Legacy

To recognize more than three decades of generosity, the Foundation honored the Lovingoods with the prestigious Spirit Award.

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Together, we can provide care that transforms lives, now and for years to come.

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Phone: 760-946-8841
Address: 18300 Hwy 18, Apple Valley, CA 92307
Email: StMaryFoundation@providence.org

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