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Emergency Response and Recovery Fund

The pandemic has caused many to go hungry or become homeless. The Emergency Response Fund helps ensure these basic necessities are available.



What Inspires You?

Everyone should have food and shelter, especially during this historic pandemic.

Campaign Goal

Together, we can fight food insecurity and homelessness during the pandemic.

90% of the fundraising goal achieved with the help of neighbors like you

Food Insecurity
As COVID-19 spread, people raided grocery stores to stock up. As a result, local food banks and food pantries are not receiving their normal donations from grocery stores and must purchase extra food to help families and older adults in our community. These costs far exceed what was budgeted and strains their ability to provide for those in need.
Homelessness and Housing
Due to Governor Newsom’s “shelter-in-place” order, local homeless shelters have been inundated. Additionally, the practice of congregating homeless individuals in shelters is concerning because homeless individuals often lack the means to reduce their exposure and protect themselves. Without this support, there are increased risks of spreading COVID-19.
Caregiver Wellness
The COVID-19 pandemic puts extra strain on Providence St. Mary caregivers who are on the front lines of this unprecedented health crisis. Existing Foundation funds will be put to this area of need to care for the physical, mental and spiritual wellness of our caregivers, as they care for our community.

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Now, more than ever, our community needs Providence St. Mary
and compassionate neighbors like you.

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"Since the Foundation was founded 30 years ago, our community has continued to make Providence St. Mary Medical Center their philanthropic priority. It is inspiring to see our donors give generously to continue to advance the level of care Providence St. Mary can offer to the High Desert community."

— John Kozyra, Chief Philanthropy Officer


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Together, we can provide care that transforms lives, now and for years to come.

Emergency Response and Recovery Fund

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Emergency Response and Recovery Fund



Emergency Response and Recovery Fund

The Emergency Response and Recovery Fund exists to support the wellness needs of caregivers and the increased community needs for food and shelter. As “shelter-in-place” orders have been issued across the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have been forced to lay off their employees and schools have been forced to end in-class instruction. With kids out of school and families out of work, High Desert community needs have dramatically increased.

St. Mary Medical Center’s mission calls us to “serve all, especially those who are poor and vulnerable.” And there has never been a time in our history where more people now find themselves poor and vulnerable. 

The Fund will support three specific areas:

  • Food Insecurity. As COVID-19 began to spread in the U.S., people raided grocery stores to stock up on supplies. Due to this, our local food banks and food pantries are not receiving their normal supply of donations from grocery stores and must now purchase additional food to meet the needs of families and older adults in our community. These costs far exceed what was budgeted and puts a strain on their ability to provide food to those in need.
  • Homelessness and Housing. Due to the California “shelter-in-place” order from Governor Gavin Newsom, local homeless shelters have been inundated with demand. Additionally, due to the common practice of congregating homeless individuals in shelters, there is great concern that homeless individuals do not have the means to mitigate exposure for their own protection. Without this support, there is increased risks of spreading COVID-19.
  • Caregiver Wellness. The COVID-19 pandemic puts extra strain on St. Mary caregivers who are on the front lines of this unprecedented health crisis. Existing Foundation funds will be put to this area of need to care for the physical, mental, and spiritual wellness of our caregivers, as they care for our community.

Questions? Please contact John Kozyra, Chief Philanthropy Officer, at john.kozyra@stjoe.org or (760) 217-9778.

*Fund distributions will be overseen by the Emergency Fund Committee and made based on the community’s greatest needs for food and shelter and based on funds available. All funding decisions will be reviewed and approved by the St. Mary Executive Leadership Team.

More News

Welcome New Chief Philanthropy Officer Nicole Orr

Welcome New Chief Philanthropy Officer Nicole Orr

Providence St. Mary Medical Center Foundation announces the appointment of Nicole Orr as its new chief philanthropy officer.

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Together, we can provide care that transforms lives, now and for years to come.

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Phone: 760-946-8841
Address: 18300 Hwy 18, Apple Valley, CA 92307
Email: StMaryFoundation@providence.org

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